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Toronto Maha Vihara Buddhist Meditation Centre, 4698 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON M1E 2P9, Canada., Tel: (416) 208 9276   Fax:(647) 349-0444

Toronto Mahavihara Society
Committee of Management 2024-2025

Send a message to Toronto Mahavihara
  • President :Ven. Ahangama Rathanasiri Thero, Vihārādhipathy (416) 208-9276
  • Vice President : Upali Weerapura (416) 609-8627
  • Secretary : Bandula Saputhanthri (289) 660 2248
  • Asst: Secretary : Somasiri Lokuliyana (416) 439 8295
  • Treasurer : Vajira Jayawardane (416) 494-0365
  • Asst: Treasurer : Thusith Weerasooriya (416) 616 2402
  • Legal Advisor : Anoshan Ahangama (647) 215-7642
    Six Committee Members At-Large:
  1. Badra De Zoysa (416)496-1092
  2. Chamila Jayatillake (416) 841-7889
  3. Kavishwara Hissella (905) 686-1043
  4. Saman Handunduwage (416) 871-7277
  5. Shiroma Saputhanthri (289) 660-2248
  6. Vasantha Amarasinghe (905) 294-9947
  • Editor : Somasiri Lokuliyana (416) 439 8295
  • Web Master : Saman Handunduwa (416) 871-7277

Sub-Committee 2024-2025 for New Avasage Building Project

    Fundraising Committee:
  1. Asoka Pinnaduwage
  2. Chaminda Yapa
  3. Dilrukshi 
  4. Malika Senasekara
  5. Manoja Hissella
  6. Neela Abeywardene
  7. Reka Jayawardene
  8. Upul Hewage

Above office bearers were elected at the Annual General Meeting held on 18th August 2024

Sub-Committees Created for New Avasage Building Project

    Construction Committee:
  1. Ven. Rathanasiri Thero - TMV President
  2. Sagara Weeratunga - Chairperson - Construction and Maintenance Committee
  3. Bandula Saputhanthiri - Secretary TMV Committee and Representation of TMV Committee
  4. Upali Weerapura - Website updates and Representation of TMV Committee
  5. Asoka Pinnaduwage - Asst. Treasurer and Representation of TMV Committee
  6. Thusith Weerasuriya - Fund raising lead and Representation of TMV Committee
  7. Saman Hadunduwa - Construction Support
  8. Kavishwara Hissella - Construction Support
  9. Upul de Silva - Construction Support
  10. Sumudu Hewamannage - Book keeping and Construction Cost Planning.
  11. Pubudu Ariyarathna - Verify Construction Layouts and Elevation
  12. Premaratne Pathirana - Civil Support
    Liason Team Supporting Construction:
  1. Somasiri Lokuliyana - Asst. secretary
  2. Vajira Jayawardane - TMV Treasurer

Directions To Toronto Mahā Vihāra

(Click here for TTC Bus Routes 86A and 86B)

Mailing Address:
Toronto Mahavihara Society
4698 Kingston Road
Scarborough, Ontario
M1E 2P9, Canada
Telephone : (416)208-9276
Fax :             (647)349-0444
E-Mail :
Send a message to Toronto Mahavihara