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4698 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON M1E 2P9, Canada.,
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Meditation Retreat
By Ven. Uda Iriyagama Dhammajiva Thero
Friday the 6th to Saturday 14th of June 2025
Registration Closing: 28 Feb. 2025

Ven. Uda Iriyagama Dhammajiva Thero

Toronto Mahavihara would like to make an advance announcement of a meditation retreat to be held from Friday the 6th to Saturday 14th of June 2025 by Venerable Uda Iriyagama Dhammjiva Thero, renowned Meditation Master from Mitirigala Nissarana Vanaya Monastery of Sri Lanka.

The retreat will be conducted mainly in Sinhala medium; Q&A Session will be in both Sinhala and English media.

We are requesting all devotees not to miss this opportunity. As preliminary arrangements have to be made early, organizers wish to know in advance, the number of participants expected for the retreat. As such please register using the link given below as soon as possible

Construction of a new Building for Monks' Residence.
Tentative Construction Schedule.

Click for New Avasage Information Page


Ground Plan of the New Avasage (Click to Enlarge)

As approved at the AGM of the Toronto Mahavihara Society held on 15th of March 2015, the construction of a new Building for the residence of monks is presently in its planning stage. The Construction Project Launching Ceremony was held on 17th of April 2016 in the presence of a large gathering of especial invitees, members and friends.

The new building will mainly provide additional space for accommodation of monks. In addition it will also benefit the entire Buddhist community including children as a place of religious veneration of the monks.

A 3-d Model of the new building was unveiled by Venerable Udupihille Wimalabuddhi Thero and Dr. Sumithra Peeris while Jayamangala Gatha were being chanted.

Latest Progress News

Building Permit No:21 207541 BLD 00 NB dated Mar 5, 2024 has now been issued by the City. The approval is to demolish the existing monastery and construct a new monastery building two storey high with basement, multiple washrooms, office, and 8 rooms in total. In addition, Drain and Site Service, Plumbing(PS) and Mechanical(MS) Permits have also been issued. The contract for the new building was signed on 11 July (Contractor: Artreum Homes Company of Rathees Paramalingam) and the old building was demolished on 14th of July 2024. The Foundation Laying Ceremony was held on 21 July 2024 starting at 3.00pm. Please see "Photo Album" page for the Ceremony photos. For more information on the progress of the construction, please click on the "Avasage Information Page" link given on the left margin.

At the AGM of the Toronto Mahavihara Society held on 15th of March 2015, a resolution was passed to construct a new Building for the residence of monks (Avasage). Committee of Adjustment of City of Toronto unconditionally approved all minor variances on proposed design of New Monastery phase 1 and 2 on 19th of July 2018. The phase 1 is the construction of main residence building and the phase 2 includes repurposing the upper level of Dhamma Hall as a temporary residence for the monks during construction of the residence.

Due to various issues including COVID-19 pandemic the work on the project was delayed. Eventually, Building and Demolition Permits (Application Numbers: 21 207541 BLD 00 NB and 21 207559 DEM 00 DM respectively) were applied on 2nd September 2021.

Non-Receipt of Temple E-mails

There are a few reports of some members not receiving e-mails from the temple. We regret very much this situation and offer our apology to the members. In case if you do not receive e-mails, please first check the "Junk Mail" Folder in Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail, and also the "Promotions" folder in the Gmail. If you do not see them in those folders, please send a message with your name and e-mail address using this link.

Sutra Discussion Sessions - every Wednesday 7.00pm
(Note: Currently Temporarily Suspended)

Toronto Mahavihara conducts Sutra Discussions to enable our Dhamma friends to gain and share the Buddha's teachings. The discussions are held once a week on Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 8.30pm and normally one Sutra is taken up each day. The discussion are conducted in English. This is a very beneficial opportunity to reassess what you already know, enlarge upon your current understanding and explore new areas of Dhamma knowledge. Those who are interested are most welcome for these discussions.

The Sutra group will assemble in the Dhamma Hall at 7.00pm prior to the discussion time and spend half an hour on meditation. Please join this group sitting meditation and practice what you have learnt from the Suttas so far.

The Sutras that are being taken up for discussion currently are listed in the "Thematic Guide to the Anguttara Nikaya" chapter (page 75) in the English Translation done by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

The Sutra that is scheduled for the next Wednesday is indicated below.

Next discussion on Wed. 31st of Oct., 2018:  The Suttas listed in "The Spirings of bad Conduct" Sub Sections of "The Defilements of the Mind" Section: Suttas Nos: 4:199, 4:257, 6:61-62, 6:106, 9:23, 10:61-62 {digits before the colon indicates Book Number (Book of Ones, Book of Twos etc.) and digits after the colon refer to the Sutta number}

Please click here for Anguttara Nikaya Part I, English translation.
Please click here for Anguttara Nikaya Part II, English translation
Please click here for Anguttara Nikaya Part III, English translation

Please click here for a list of previously discussed Suttas.

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